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Lowongan kerja Sales (Area Kediri)

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Sales (Area Kediri) di PT Menara Berkat Plastindo


Kami PT Menara Berkat Plastindo yang bergerak di bidang Plastic Packaging, sedang mencari kandidat untuk posisi Sales area Kota Kediri dan sekitarnya

Job Desc:

  • Mencari customer baru ataupun follow up customer yang sudah ada
  • Memasarkan produk perusahaan
  • Membuat laporan harian


  • Usia maksimal 28 tahun
  • Berpengalaman di penjualan minimal 2 tahun
  • Memiliki kendaraan pribadi dan SIM
  • Memliki semangat yang tinggi
  • Berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Penempatan di Kediri, Jawa Timur

Informasi Tambahan Lowongan Kerja

Tingkat Pekerjaan : Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Kualifikasi : SMA, SMU/SMK/STM, Sertifikat Professional, D3 (Diploma), D4 (Diploma), Sarjana (S1)
Pengalaman Kerja : 2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan : Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan : Penjualan / Pemasaran, Penjualan Ritel / 503, 145

Informasi perusahaan Pemberi Kerja, PT Menara Berkat Plastindo

PT Menara Berkat Plastindo

PT. Menara Berkat Plastindo

is a company that was established on January 29, 2013, which is engaged in manufacturing and plastic trading.

PT. Menara Berkat Plastindo provides various types of plastic seeds including PP (Polypropylene), PS (Polystyrene), PET / PETE (Polyethylene Terephthalate), HDPE (High Density Polyethylene), LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene), PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), ABS, Hyempec , Nylon and others. To support the quality of plastic products from customers, we provide the best quality ingredients.

Our aim is to be the first choice for plastic product suppliers and plastic distributors by contributing to each of our customers more than they expect, through our special services in a professional manner and full integrity.

In order to realize our goals, we have:

Vision Become the biggest trading company and go public


1. Answering the needs of producers and providing convenience for the plastic industry with sustainable products

2. To maximize human resources

Thus is the company profile of PT. Menara Berkat Plastindo, We present it in the hope that it can be used as a consideration and reference to be able to cooperate in interrelated business cores between this company and other parties / clients.

May God Almighty provide protection for all of us. Thanks

Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan PT Menara Berkat Plastindo

Ukuran Perusahaan : 1- 50 pekerja
Waktu Proses Lamaran : 11 hari
Industri : Manufaktur/Produksi
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain : Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja)
Lokasi : Kediri


Leon Kennedy
Leon Kennedy halo, saya adalah leon kenedy. saya bekerja pada salah satu dinas ketenagakerjaan kota surabaya. saya akan memberikan informasi yang valid mengenai lowongan kerja